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Version: 1

Add a Well Reading


This request allows you to enter a reading for a well, but only if a reading does not exist for this date and well. To update a reading, please view the next page.


Type / Endpoint: POST

Request Body#

The request body is a JSON Object.

"pump": "5834450",
"residual": "1.2",
"wellId": "14",
"date": "2021-06-07"


Note: Please send all numbers as strings (in quotes)

pumpint (in quotes)Must conform to this regular expression /^[0-9]{1,9}$/
residualdouble (in quotes) or null if there is no residualMust conform to this regular expression: /^[0-9]\.[0-9]$/
wellIdint (in quotes)
datedate (in quotes)'YYYY-MM-DD'


Status Code 201#

Description: The reading was stored in the database.

"success": true,
"message": "Reading entered in database"

Status Code 400#

Description: Invalid request body. Please refer to the message you receive for more details, as these can vary.

"success": true,
"message": "Your residual is formatted incorrectly"

Status Code 409#

Description: A reading already exists for the given date and well. Please see the next page, Update a Well Reading to update an existing reading.

"success": false,
"message": "A reading already exists for this date and well"